Organizing Tips

We have listed tips to help you stay organized when completing surveys and focus groups. You may want to keep a record or some form of documentation of each one completed. Although our tips are not required, they are highly recommended.

  • Keep a record of all login information; including usernames & passwords
  • Keep a record of all focus groups & surveys taken; including the dates completed
  • Keep a record of all earnings/payouts
You could use a simple notebook for all of your record keeping or you could always use your computer. We recommend either using Microsoft Word or Excel if you do choose your computer. However, you should always use what works best for you! Please remember that most survey panels do keep record of your information in their database, in which you can access via their website. We also recommend that you complete your profile in it's entirety and update it regularly in order to continue receiving survey invitations directly to your inbox! 

Disclaimer: Paid focus groups, interviews and online surveys are legitimate ways to earn extra spending money. These are not "get rich quick" opportunities, they are simply ways to earn some extra cash in your spare time. We DO NOT guarantee that you will qualify for every study, neither do we promise that you will make huge amounts of money. You are only allowed to participate in paid research studies once or twice a year, so please keep that in mind if you notice that you've stopped receiving survey invitations in your inbox. Please use our sources as your one stop shop for finding legitimate paying surveys. We do hope that you find our blog resourceful and we look forward to hearing your reviews and testimonials soon! 

Your Work at Home Consultants,
Regina & Donna

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