
As always, we value your thoughts & feedback on all of our products and services. Please share them with us here, so that we can share them with others! 

~Consultants of the ARA Virtual Solutions Team! 


  1. I'm a mother of four who was in desperate need of work but of course daycare was a BIG issue. I had tried to qualify for focus groups and surveys but kept getting denied. I also checked into working from home with different companies but most of them wanted you to pay out of pocket. Frustrated and upset, I called Regina and Donna and they were the answer to my prayers. Regina told me all about how to get qualified for the surveys and focus groups and after following her directions, I was qualified for two in the same day. The first focus group paid me $125 for 2 hours of my time just to talk about what types of soda I would like to drink. The second paid me $150 for an additional 2 hours of my time to discuss what types of chocolate candy I like to eat. So you do the math, that was $275 for 4 hours of my time, which is one day of part time work. Donna told me about Convergy's so I applied and I've been offered a full time position with their company to take calls for AT&T. There's no out of pocket expense, the training is paid, full benefits including 401K. This is the best thing for my family and I because I'm still able to care for my children as well as take care of home. So trust me when I say these two sisters know what they're talking about. With that being said I want to thank both Regina and Donna for all of their help.


    February 23, 2014 at 8:02 PM

  2. Ok so on last thursday I went to my first study: there 40 mins made 75$ (check in hand before leaving)
    Today an online health study 75$ ( check in mail)
    I have my 17 year son signed up for 2 studies at the children health care for Asthma for two different studies which both are paid over 500$ a piece!!!!
    Thanks Regina Alston you Rock!!!
    You are such the blessing that alot of people needs!!

  3. Just completed my first study on beverages. I had to taste brandy infused with different flavors and got paid $100.00. Awesome experience!!! Thanks Regina Alston and Donna Larry for sharing these opportunities.

  4. I have never thought that I would be doing some phone interviews and doing online focus groups and actually get paid for it. This is great for anyone who have extra time to make a little money on the side. Before I started this I spoke with Regina Alston, Regina was very inviting and she gave me a lot of insight about working online at home. All I can say is Thank you again Regina :)

  5. Regina and Donna are a dynamic team!! These ladies introduced me, a stay-at-home mom to different avenues to gain income. With their help, I was able to participate in countless surveys and focus groups. I was able to give my opinion and get paid for it. It only took an hour or two of my time, and that’s it!! Regina and Donna are very relatable and eager to help you reach your full potential in gaining an income, right from the comfort of your own home. I highly recommend using the resources they have provided!!

  6. Thanks to ARA Virtual Solutions and Arise I am able to be a stay at home Mom. Working at home for this company is a dream come true. I am able to be home with my two year old and 8 month old so they don't have to go to daycare at such young ages. I am also home every morning to put my little boy on the bus and get him off in the afternoon.

    As long as I adhere to the required minimum hours I can set my own hours and schedule my own breaks. I also love going to work in my pajamas and work-out gear. I joke that my commute from the bed to work is only three seconds! 

    Last but not least, management is awesome! They are honest and caring, professional and detail oriented. They made sure I had everything that I needed to work and gave me all of the information I needed to navigate smoothly through the enrollment process. Mrs. Alston was also very encouraging when I was nervous about taking my certification test.

    I am enjoying working from home and I would definitely recommend ARA Virtual Solutions as your partner if you are looking for a respected work from home opportunity.

  7. Greetings everyone, I have been partnered with Arise since October of 2014. I am a CSP of ARA Virtual Solutions, LLC, soon to become an IBO... I Wanted to learn the biz first. A Major Cruise Client is my 1st & Only client (For Now) -- Which was the Only Client I wanted & happen to LOVE!!! :)

    I am a Breast Cancer Survivor of Almost 2 years (And Many MORE to Come)! Because of my condition, I was unable to go back on the road as a Contract Mortgage Auditor & needed to find something less Stressful, yet to keep me busy and still keep the bills paid!! I don't have NO Time to be Sick! lol.

    I am a Wife to my 1st love of 30 yrs. :), Mother of 4 & the human to 2 "Dawgie Babiez"! (haha). I Love Learning, Cooking, Reading, Dancing, Music, Helping others, Making Money, SHOESSSS, Having Fun, and Traveling, I'm a very Positive person & I Find a Reason to Smile & Laugh DAILY!

    I am pleased to have met Regina and through her Patience, Knowledge of Arise and guidance, have been able to pursue my Dream of working at home, spending time with my family and being able to continue to Heal Naturally. I have Minimal stress, Have NOONE to report to, NOONE Standing over my Shoulder, NO Time clock to Punch, NO GAS/Maintenance Expenses, NO Road Rage... I set my OWN Hours, Breaks and time Off without Prior Notice, and Make as Much as I WANT To!!!! That's EVERY PERSONS DREAM JOB! Unless of course you are a "FOLLOWER"! I’m Soooo Not One of Those!

    I love the Flexibility I now have… Not having to Rush to work because I hit the Snooze button too many times, Not having to Warm up my car, Stop for gas, Fight Traffic, No Office Drama/Politics and being able to actually get work done without all the Distractions! I now GET PAID TO Talk and Laugh on the Phone with people, when I’ve been doing it for years… FOR FREE!! :) Not to mention that Everyone In My Office Gets along GREAT! :)

    Regina has also armed me with the Necessary tools to Become my own IBO and has a wealth of knowledge and expertise! What more can you ask for in a Business Partner! She is so giving and selfless, which is often hard to come across with Women in Business! I love the fact that we have developed a Business and Personal Relationship! I'm VERY Cautious of whom I Allow in my Cypher! She is Honest, Fair, has Great Character, She’s ALWAYS Helping people and Chases me down with my check on pay day! lol

    I could go on forever... But How to get away with Murder is coming on! :)
    If you are interested in Working from Home with guidance from Registration, Enrollment, Training and IBO status (And Everything in between) Contact Regina at ARA Solutions, LLC for assistance!
    Regina... I tell you often.... But I THANK YOU ... for helping me get Back to Independence and LIVING!

  8. Regina Alston (my aunt) is so amazing with her efforts in helping me get a job! I have been searching for months and she informed me about the work at home position with postmates. I got hired!

    The process didn't take long at all. It took about two to three weeks and it wasn't hard. After emailing my resume and cover letter, I received an email from recruitment within 1 - 2 days to schedule a phone interview. I scheduled as soon as possible of course. The interview was very simple, they asked about 3 - 4 questions.

    One question was what I thought about their company, another about my experience, and I recall the last one asking about how familiar I was with social media. Then, they explained the job description and asked if I had any questions and told me that I will receive a followup email to complete a background check.

    The background check took about 3 - 4 days. After the background check they emailed me a consent form, then I received a workers manual along with a FAQ pdf. They also sent me an email with a link to where I can take a quiz based on the manual and the FAQ pdf I received. I had to score at least a 90% and had only to chances. I scored a 93% on my first try! I could also use my resources that they sent me lol.

    After I received my results of a passing score, they emailed me information that I needed to begin which were just links and a FAQ pdf. They said I could begin immediately so I did at 9pm lol. I took about 30 calls that night. Every Saturday they will email you an invoice that you will need to review and accept in order to receive your direct deposit. You can expect your payment in 3 - 5 business days after accepting your invoice. I received mine after two or three days, direct deposit.

    I love working for postmates. It is very easy! I have a minimum requirement of 10 hours a week. I can work more. I can work on a desktop or laptop and I can work with my cell phone or house phone. It's definitely a source to supplement your income 24/7.

    Thank you aunt! Love ya!
